Universal Truth

December 7, 2009 at 12:30 pm Leave a comment

If you’re vacationing in Florida, there is one theme park you don’t want to miss

Incredible Hulk Roller Coaster at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida

“There will be payback for this,” I mutter, my innards trembling as the serpentine line inches ever closer to the launching dock of the Incredible Hulk roller coaster. “I think it’s time your father stepped up to the plate and risked something scarier than the Dr. Seuss carousel.”

Yep, good thing I have an ironclad constitution, I tell my teenage daughter sarcastically, as I prepare to hurtle, mute with terror, from zero to sixty in two seconds flat on what the brochure promises to be “a high-speed roller coaster rampage.”

We’re on our annual visit to Universal Studios in Florida and as usual, it is I, the unsung hero of unselfish motherhood, who gets to go on all the scariest rides with her thrill-seeking teen while dear old Dad attends the gentle “awesome animals” stunt show with our much-more-sensible 11-year-old.

“But I don’t want to go upside down,” he says when I gently suggest (“please, for the love of God!”) that he at least attempt the Dueling Dragons coaster in my stead. I’m at the point where I’ve been tossed around so much I’m stumbling around unsteadily like the town drunk. And I haven’t even had a drink yet.

It’s the same scene that plays out every year when we make the pilgrimage to Universal Studios in Orlando. But despite the quibbling that goes on, we all agree that Universal is our favorite Florida destination bar none.

When you get right down to it, most families choose between a Disney vacation (i.e. the Disney experience 24/7 for the entirety of the trip) or a Florida vacation with theme parks thrown into the mix. Universal Studios falls into the latter category, which works great for my family, as we like to have time to explore the other attractions of the Sunshine State (the beaches being top of the list).

Comprised of two theme parks (Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios), plus a 30-acre entertainment complex called CityWalk, Universal offers a compact yet diverse offering of thrills and spills that appeal to all ages. There are movie sets dating back to the classics (think Lucille Ball et al), as well as family friendly rides featuring loveable (albeit crass) characters like Shrek and the Simpsons, not to mention Jaws. Throw in a bunch of flume rides, kid-friendly stunt shows, and the margaritas at Jimmy Buffet’s in CityWalk and everyone wins.

Oh, and next year? The new Harry Potter attraction opens and guess who’ll be first in line for that stomach-twisting experience.

Contact your Maritime Travel Counsellor today to book your Florida holiday! 

Check out the cool theme parks before you go!  www.universalorlando.com

Entry filed under: Destinations.

Unlocking the secrets of a Panama Canal Transit Cruise Grandeur Holidays: Fairytales Do Come True!

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December 2009