Thinking Outside the Seven-day Vacation Box

September 1, 2009 at 5:41 pm 1 comment

jamaicaWhen we told our friends that we were stealing away to Jamaica for a romantic rendezvous they congratulated us. When we said it was for three nights, they said we were crazy. 

Turns out, that little jaunt was of the most enjoyable trips we had ever taken together. In a short space of time we managed to enjoy the anticipation and excitement of hopping on a plane to the sunny south. We also got to swan around a five-star resort and sail on a royal yacht. In short, all the benefits of longer, more expensive holidays.

Like many of our friends, who are all hysterically juggling the demands of busy jobs, regimented children and needy pets (like our black lab, Chomper ), we have often found salvation in the weekend getaway.

These are trips or mini-vacations that can pack a punch as pleasurable as a traditional one-week holiday – and make you a better person in the process.

In my experience, the less you think you have time for this kind of luxury, the more you really need it. This is the argument I use to justify our bi-annual getaways. “Just think,” I plead to my skeptical husband. “We can have actual conversations, rather than our daily information exchanges. We might even discover that we enjoy each other’s company.” The fact that we’re still married is testament enough.

The good news for all you harried individuals is that the travel industry has really hopped on board the mini-getaway bandwagon and is thinking outside the seven-day-vacation box. Looking to mark a special anniversary? How about a weekend in Paris or Venice to keep the bloom on the romance. A few steamy days in New York or Toronto can equally do wonders for a jaded relationship. Whether you want to actually run a marathon (there’s one in practically every major city in the world) or just enjoy a weekend marathon of retail therapy, there’s a customizable package just for you. Just ask your travel agent.

Best of all, weekend getaways allow you to travel on a budget without missing any important tasks like (God forbid) the kids’ activities. Bon voyage!

Call your Maritime Travel agent today and visit for the latest in weekend getaways!

Entry filed under: 1.

Exploring Southern Tuscany Take a Holiday of a Lifetime – Visit the Galapagos Islands

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Betty Cote  |  September 25, 2009 at 1:24 pm

    We are looking for a ten (10) day ‘all inclusive’ vacation pkg somewhere south. We have been to Veradero, Puerto Plata and Ocho Rios so far and wish to try a different ‘safe’ ‘warm’ destination.
    Please advise if any pkgs available or how much it might cost to customize such a request.
    thanks Betty

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September 2009