Archive for February 26, 2009

Must See Markets

granville_island_3_23221349_stdWhen travelling in foreign countries I always make time for markets – the straw market in the Bahamas, Covent Gardens in London, and Green Market Square in Cape Town South Africa all top my list (the list is long though).

In fact, my passion for markets is so strong, if I can’t make it to an outdoor market, a tour through the local grocery store also intrigues. Watching the locals shop tells so much about the culture; from the selection of local delicacies to the people watching, visiting a market offers unparalleled local insight. A stroll down the international food section of a foreign supermarket can be entertaining – observing what a country chooses to import from around the world. After being away from home for over a year, it struck me funny to see a package of Oreos in the Harrods International Food Halls, the familiar package was considered exotic and was priced accordingly. Back to the outdoor markets, here are just a few favorites.

Camden Town, London this open air market is a feast for the senses, located at the north of the city with stalls winding in and around canals, the setting has as much character as the goods being sold. The market offers a huge selection with plenty of dining options and pubs among the stalls. While London has a number of great markets, Camden tops my list in terms of variety of products and layout. Give yourself lots of time if you plan on visiting the markets of Camden, it takes a little while to get there from the centre of London and once you’re there you’ll want to have at least a few hours.

bryantparkicerink_fullBoth London and New York offer a lifetime worth of fantastic markets, but Bryant Park, in New York stands out as a must see market, especially at Christmas time. Starting in late November, Christmas stalls appear around the temporary outdoor skating rink. Fine Christmas crafts and creative gifts abound, all set among stalls of hot chocolate and candy apples. The little ones will enjoy the carousel here too. As for Christmas markets, I have yet to experience the European version (in particular I hear rave reviews about the German markets). These are on my bucket list; last December a group of our travel counsellors experienced many of these markets on a Christmas Market river tour, now that sounds like my kind of Christmas shopping.

Granville Island Market, Vancouver 

A quick water taxi ride away from Downtown Vancouver is a must see market that truly offers something for everyone. Granville Island is home to my favorite toy store.  When I commented to the owner on the originality of product he told me the selection was intentional, and all toys were powered by imagination not batteries. The market is described by some as a center for epicurean delight, and while this market is sure to please the pallet, there is great shopping and entertainment too.

Cape Town South Africa

 is home to two must see markets. Green Market Square, in the heart of Cape Town, offers a wide selection of African Arts and Crafts (and amazing paintings too). Additionally, this market offers the convenience of a central location and is open daily. Green Point Market is considerably larger and located outside the stadium, choice abounds at this Sunday (and holidays) only market. Be prepared to haggle at both of these markets and you’re sure to come away with unique keepsakes of your African Adventure.

While the list could go on and on, I will close with one more market which tops my list, the Flower Market, Latin Quarter of Paris. This is a must see market largely because it finds its home amongst the hustle and bustle of a young and vibrant area of Paris. The Latin Quarter is home to several Parisian universities including the Sorbonne, and book stalls and cafes pepper the streets in alarming numbers (but can there ever been too many cafes or bookstores?). At the market itself you will find flowers from around the world in arrangements sure to inspire a hotel bouquet (unlike other markets you just can’t stock up on gifts here).

What tops your list of must see markets? What about eating Eating Al Fresco?   Where are your favorite outdoor dinning spots?  Help inspire my next entry by sending your suggestions.

Until next time


February 26, 2009 at 3:45 pm Leave a comment



February 2009