Escaping Winter

February 7, 2009 at 2:06 am 1 comment

feet_4952662 It seems everywhere I go these days conversations turns to travel. Perhaps our active Canadian winter is partly to blame as people dream of warmer climes. Personally, I think people like to share stories from their travels as a momentary escape from the daily routine, the trip may only last a week but the memories are relived again and again. With travel, there is often as much joy in the anticipation as there is in the journey – many people spend months planning and years reminiscing (and let’s not under estimate the bragging rights associated with the holiday).

With our newly launched website, a weathered passport, access to over 300 travel experts 2009 is the year to launch the Maritime Travel Blog. I hear countless travel tips and insider advice from spending the days working with travel partners and agents. In this position, I am regularly asked for personal travel advice. One of the most common questions I am asked this time of year is by those people dearly in need of a winter sun getaway, but have not booked yet. The burning question on these folks minds is, do I book now or hold off for a last minute deal?

Over the years I’ve realized there are two camps of travel planners. Those who book early and take great pleasure from knowing their spot in the sun is reserved just for them. (These travelers also usually reap savings for booking early). And with each and every winter storm these are the folks that can brag about the number of sleeps until they fly away. These are the people that make you think, I should have booked early this year.

So what’s the benefit of the early booking? In addition to the savings and the joy of anticipation, there are a few other benefits; there is also better availability on dates and hotel choice. If you are hoping to get away over March Break or Easter or other holidays the earlier you book the better. Also for larger families and groups you’ll want to reserve early – requests like adjoining rooms are always best done with as much notice as possible. And here is a little insider secret, did you know you can travel first and pay later? Perhaps you want to book early, but don’t want to tie up cash; you can actually use our Travel First Pay Later plan, so you have the benefit of the travel booking without outlaying any cash until you come back.

For those travelers who are happiest to book at the last minute – there are a few tricks to finding the best deal. If you have narrowed down dates or destinations, share this information with a travel agent – they can watch for specials for you. Sign up for our Holiday Club newsletter we’ll send inspiring ideas and great savings directly to your inbox. In fact our Hot Deals page has a long list of great deals it is updated several times a week by gateway.

Until next time, happy travels – if you have a comment or a topic you’d like covered please send it along.


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Entry filed under: Other, Travel News, Travel Tips.

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1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Suds  |  February 24, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    Hi Melanie
    What are your thoughts on the impact of immigration on the travel trends in Atlantic Canada ? Has the kind of traffic changed drastically in numbers, ethnicities, age groups, seasons etc.

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February 2009